Interview with Daniel Kondermann, Managing Director NG Social

The startup NG Social from Heidelberg has developed the Flax leisure app for iOS and Android. Flax supports people in meeting and organizing leisure activities. Flax fulfills a number of tasks and is still intuitive and clear. You can use the free app to create your own activities, invite specific people, set calendar entries, etc. Practical: even people who have not installed the app can access the appointments. We spoke to the managing director Daniel Kondermann about leisure activities, WhatsApp chaos and Flax's future plans.


Mr. Kondermann, what exactly is behind the concept of the Flax Freizeit-App? What can Flax be used for?


Daniel Kondermann, managing director of NG Social. - Source: NG Social

Flax solves the problem of planners who regularly activate their friends to "do something" via WhatsApp groups: The problem there is that I first create a group for each activity (or post an idea in the "noise" of an already existing group ) and then the participants prefer to post GIFs instead of mentioning their availability or suggesting interesting activities. When you have agreed on something after a long back and forth, it is written somewhere in the chat process, but with 5 people there are at least 3 opinions on what was actually agreed.


Flax makes it super easy: if I want to activate my friends, I choose and create an activity there (e.g. barbeque, walking the dog, clubbing in Mannheim, etc.) and get suggested people from my circle of friends who are interested in it could. They will then receive my chic invitation card (via push message or email) and if they want to be there, they can indicate when it suits best. For each plan there is a chat group and a summary of what has already been agreed. Ergo: no more WhatsApp chaos! The best thing about it: the participants do not have to install the app at all - as a planner, I can therefore do without the laborious task of convincing everyone to use Flax. By the way: We put great emphasis on data protection, but that should actually be a matter of course by now, shouldn't it?


How did the idea for Flax come about? Did that come from the corona pandemic?


Before the pandemic, the idea came about independently of several 


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